Fairfield Community Foundation
An Affiliate of Hamilton Community Foundation

Our Mission
To enhance and strengthen the quality of life for citizens of Greater Fairfield.
The Fairfield Community Foundation was incorporated in 1999 as a not for profit by a group of dedicated Fairfield and Fairfield Township residents. In July 2022, the foundation became an affiliate of the Hamilton Community Foundation.
As an affiliate, the Fairfield Community Foundation benefits from the administrative support, guidance, and philanthropic expertise of the Hamilton Community Foundation. The Fairfield Community Foundation board will continue to advise and oversee the grants awarded to the greater Fairfield community.
“We came to recognize the potential benefits that affiliation with the right partner could bring to the Foundation, most significantly being, increased resources and a reduction in fees for our donors. Additionally, the affiliation afforded the Fairfield Community Foundation the support of a high-functioning and experienced administrative staff that would enable our board to spend less time on day-to-day operations of the Foundation and more time identifying and focusing on the needs of the greater Fairfield community. After careful consideration, we felt the Hamilton Community Foundation’s expertise and credibility was the best fit for us,” said Doug Robertson, Chair, Fairfield Community Foundation.
For more information, read What Is an Affiliate?