About Us
A Legacy of Achievement. A Future of Possibilities.
Built on a solid foundation.
Created in 1951, The Hamilton Community Foundation, located in the historic Lane-Hooven House in Hamilton, Ohio, manages 900 individual, family and corporate funds, as well as nonprofit agency endowments. As a public charity with $140 million in assets, we focus daily on helping make our community a better place to live, work and play.
Today, we are the largest community foundation in Butler County, helping donors transform their passions into powerful giving.

How do we do this?
Awarding millions in grants and scholarships annually. We work to address issues of concern in our communities, such as social and health issues affecting children and families, education as well as supporting community revitalization. We solve problems, develop partnerships and provide leadership to help build lasting, positive change in the community.
Giving donors the power of a private foundation without the administrative burdens. They appreciate the access to expert advice and professional services of our staff and financial management capacity of an institution managing $140 million in total assets. Donors to the Hamilton Community Foundation have the confidence that they are receiving maximum impact for every dollar granted.
Following Sound Policies and Practices. The Hamilton Community Foundation is in compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations administered by the Council on Foundations, a membership body of more than 2,000 grant making foundations and giving programs worldwide. This affirms our commitment to financial security, transparency and accountability.
Vibrant, Cohesive, Connected!
A Legacy of achievement. A future of possibilities. Like other community foundations, The Hamilton Community Foundation operates in perpetuity. Generous gifts made to the Hamilton Community Foundation continue to grow -- providing resources for our community, forever!
We invite you to learn about us, our grant making, and how to join our family of donors!